Acrylic on canvas. A portrait of my New York friend Brittany relaxing in the roof garden of a down town hotel.
164×164 cm mixed media on board. I have an idea that when I paint a portrait it should contain more information than just a simple likeness. I painted this just after I turned 60 and it shows a nude me – Alive & Well and surrounded by a collage of medical bills and info leaflets, pill packets of all the drugs I’ve taken plus scans and X-rays.
60×40 cm acrylic on board. Portrait of a worker, just loved his expression.
112×81 cm acrylic on board. A self-portrait set in my kitchen which is a very creative space as I love good food. Again colour, light and geometry.
Acrylic on canvas 48″x36″. A self portrait based on a smaller sketch depicting me in monochrome side light.
100×120 cm acrylic on canvas . This was a commission for a gay couple who’d been together for over 20 years and who had recently got married, hence the title. I really enjoyed doing this one because it was a brilliant composition and technically challenging and because it was an opportunity to defy bigotry.
Kyoto Joy
Acrylic on paper. I was strolling through the geisha district in Kyoto when I came across this couple in traditional dress having their wedding photos taken. They were deliriously happy, obviously deeply in love and I hope my painting captures that joy.
Monochrome Me
Acrylic on canvas. When I saw this composition I knew I simply had to paint it. A romantic image which reminds me of the pre-raphaelites, not in technique but the staging of the wistful, solo female.
Acrylic on paper 81×42 cm. One of series of paintings using a palette of red, black and beige only for low, mid and high tones. Based on a college life class sketch.
Acrylic on paper 70×50 cm. A self portrait, yes another one, climbing a hard climb on Kendijack Cliffs, Cornwall in the 80’s.
Terry #1
Mixed media A1. A collaged portrait of Terry the life class model at college, which reminds me of my hero Egon Schiele.
Acrylic on canvas. This is one of my favourite pictures because it is a great composition taking just the light and shade and colour into account plus the ambiguity around what the boy is looking at and thinking.